An Insight On Acute Liver Failure And Its Treatment
Acute liver failure is a rare, but life threatening medical condition that typically occurs in patients who do not have any kind of a preexisting liver disease. In this condition, the loss of liver function takes place rapidly, in just a few weeks or even days. Acute liver failure is generally caused by hepatitis virus or drugs like acetaminophen. This condition can lead to various serious complications, including increasing pressure in the brain. Depending on the cause, acute liver failure might be reversed with treatment. However, in many cases, liver transplant might be the only acute liver failure treatment . Liver transplant is a major surgery in which the diseased liver that is no longer able to function properly is replaced with a healthy liver from a deceased donor or a part of liver from a living donor. Living-donor liver transplant is possible due to the fact that the human liver has the capacity to regenerate and return back to its size shortly after surgical removal...