A Brief Insight Into The Stages Or Types Of Alcoholic Liver Disease
Alcoholic liver disease is common meditation condition, and can be of three types. A number of heavy drinkers progress through these 3 types over time. The first type is fatty liver. This refers to the build-up of fat inside the liver cells and leads to an enlarged liver. It is the most common alcohol-induced liver problem. Alcoholic fatty liver disease treatment need not be difficult. This condition can be managed by leaving alcohol consumption. The second type or stage of alcoholic liver damage is alcoholic hepatitis. This refers to the death of liver cells, often followed by permanent scarring. After this stage comes Alcoholic cirrhosis, which implies to the destruction of normal liver tissue. It leaves scar tissue in place of the working liver tissue. This condition cause acute liver failure. Due to its high severity level, seeking out acute liver failure treatment as soon as possible is extremely important. In the most critical cases, a liver transplant might be the only tr...