An introduction to fatty liver disease
Fatty liver disease (steatosis) is a common condition that is caused by having too much fat build up in the liver. A healthy liver contains a small amount of fat. The fat can becomes a major issue when it reaches 5% to 10% of the weight of the liver. People with this condition should try to avail Fatty liver treatment in Delhi . For most people, fatty liver disease does not cause major problems. However, the fatty liver disease can get worse over time for certain individuals. It may progress through three stages: The liver might get inflamed (swollen), which damages its tissue. This stage is called steatohepatitis. Scar tissue forms where the liver is damaged and is known as fibrosis. Extensive scar tissue replaces healthy tissue. At this point, one would develop cirrhosis of the liver. Untreated cirrhosis of the liver can eventually lead to liver failure or liver cancer. If the condition becomes this severe, one may even have to underg...