
An insight into the medical conditions for which one may need a liver transplant

Liver transplantation is a major surgery. Doctors recommend going for a  Liver Transplant in India  if a liver is damaged beyond the capacity of the patient’s body to regenerate. Liver failure due to long standing liver disease is one of the prime reasons for undergoing a liver transplant. Liver failure may also happen due to primary liver tumors or generalized diseases, and require transplantation. Essentially, the reasons for going for a  Liver Transplant Surgery in India   can vary with the age of the patient, the severity of the disease, and their overall health. There are many adults who may require a liver transplant due to chronic infection with hepatitis C virus. Medical conditions in adults that commonly necessitate a liver transplant also include hepatitis B virus, Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Primary Biliary Cirrhosis and Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis. Among tumors, hepatocelllular carcinoma is the most common form that may necessitate a liver transplant among adults.

An overview of certain treatment options for liver damage

Liver diseases can be of many types. They can be caused by alcohol abuse, infections, inherited conditions, obesity, and more. Unless treated in time, liver disease may cause scarring and lead to serious complications.  Alcoholic fatty liver treatment  involves stopping drinking alcohol or abstinence. If the condition is in its early stage, the damage may be reversed if you abstain from alcohol for at least 2 weeks. However, all liver disease treatment is not this simple. Liver failure and   Liver Cancer Treatment  may even involve undergoing a liver transplant. A liver transplant is usually recommended for patients who have end-stage liver disease. Cirrhosis is a common cause of end-stage liver disease. There are also patients who might require  combined liver & Kidney Transplant   or CLKT. This surgery is meant for patients with failure of both organs, or for the replacement of genetic defects in the liver in the presence of advanced or end-stage chronic kidney disease. If the

An overview of the three stages of alcohol-related liver disease

  The liver tends to break down most of the alcohol you drink so that it can be removed from your body. This, however, creates a harmful substance that can damage liver cells and cause serious liver disease. Alcohol-related liver disease (ARLD) refers to the liver damage caused by excessive consumption of alcohol. There are multiple stages of severity in ARLD, and each of them has a number of associated symptoms. You need to visit the  Best liver hospital  in India for treatment, if you are diagnosed with any stage of alcohol-related liver disease. The three stages of alcohol-related liver disease are: Alcoholic fatty liver disease: Drinking a large amount of alcohol for a relatively significant span of time can lead to a build-up of fats in the liver. This condition is known as alcoholic fatty liver disease, and it is the very first stage of ARLD. Rarely any significant symptoms are observed for fatty liver disease, but it indeed is a warning sign that y

Liver transplant: A treatment option for end-stage, critical liver diseases

Liver is one of the most important organs associated with the digestive and blood purification system of the body. If you are diagnosed with any liver disease, then you need to acquire the proper treatment as soon as possible. People who consume too much alcohol, for instance, may require  Alcoholic fatty liver treatment if they are diagnosed with a specific condition. If you are suffering from any liver disease for a prolonged period of time and haven’t got the proper treatment, your condition might lead to liver failure. Liver failure is when the organ or at least a major portion of it gets damaged beyond repair.  This starts to affect the liver functions, and requires urgent medical care. Liver transplantation is commonly needed for patients dealing with liver failure. At times, patients may even have to undergo  combined liver & Kidney Transplant  due to the failure of both organs, or for the replacement of genetic defects in the liver in the presence of advanced or end-stag

A brief insight into how to look after yourself while waiting for a liver transplant

In many severe cases when a patient is diagnosed with end stage liver disease or liver failure, they are considered for a  Liver Transplant in India . The first step in this often involves a rigorous assessment and being placed on a waiting list. You must try to be as fit and healthy as possible, before your liver transplant surgery. Moderate exercises can be helpful in lowering your stress levels and boosting your energy. You may choose to cycle, go for walks, swim, jog, or something else, depending on your convenience and comfort. You can also as your doctor to suggest simple exercises suitable for your condition. Eating a healthy diet is also important before any major surgery, including a liver transplant. Your liver care team is likely to plan a diet chart for you, which you must follow.  While waiting for Liver  Transplant Surgery in India , you must stop absolutely stop consuming alcohol. Doing so is especially important if have alcohol-related liver disease (ARLD). If you h

Why your child may need a liver transplant

  Liver transplantation is carried out as an  acute liver failure treatment , as well as many other severe conditions. Both kids and adults can undergo a liver transplant, depending on the severity of their liver damage. If your child’s liver is not working well and they cannot survive without a new one, then they would have to undergo liver transplant surgery. Most doctors only perform  Liver Transplant in Children  after they have tried all other possible treatments to save the child's liver. The most common liver disease in children who require liver transplant is biliary atresia. This is a rare condition related to liver and bile ducts that occurs in newborns. Other conditions for which your child may require a liver transplant are: ·         Liver cancer and other liver tumors ·         Certain genetic and hereditary liver diseases ·         Viral hepatitis ·         Too high buildup of iron in the body, causing damage to the organ ·         Alpha-1 anti-trypsin, w

Liver transplantation: an end stage liver disease treatment option

  Liver can be credited with performing at least five hundred vital functions. It maintains the right blood thickness, makes vitamins, regulates blood sugar and more. Liver is responsible for filtering toxins from the blood as well as clearing alcohol.   The liver is vital to heart health as well. If your lover gets damaged, then many other problems may follow.   Hence, seeking out Alcoholic fatty liver disease treatment and such in a timely manner is important. Early detection is the key to keeping liver problems at bay. Almost any liver disease can progress to the point of no return and lead to severe health issues.   If your liver gets damaged to an extent that it cannot be saved, then you may need to consult the Best liver transplant surgeon in India for an organ transplantation procedure. Liver transplant is the prime acute liver failure treatment option. However, transplantation is done only for end-stage liver diseases, in which there would be no other way to save the orga