Essentials You Need to Know about Liver Transplants

Besides making sure you have the right liver transplant surgeon in India, there are many more factors you need to know about when it comes to liver transplants. Here are a few essentials you need to know about this line of treatment.

When does a surgeon suggest liver transplant as an option?
Liver transplant is usually reserved as a treatment option for patients who have significant complications owing to end stage chronic liver disease. In certain rare cases, it is used in circumstances when sudden failure of a normally functioning liver takes place.

How does liver failure occur?
Liver failure takes place after a long period of time or quickly. If liver failure occurs quickly, in a matter of weeks, it is known as acute liver failure. Although a liver transplant can be used to treat acute liver failure, it is mostly used for chronic liver failure that takes place slowly over months and years.  

What are the common causes for a liver transplant?
Scarring of the liver, also known as cirrhosis of the liver, is the most frequent reason leading to liver transplant. This can occur as a result of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, Hepatitis B and C, alcoholic liver disease, diseases that affect the bile ducts and genetic diseases that affect the liver.

When heading for a transplant, make sure you know about the cost of liver transplant in India before going ahead with any procedure. Also, make sure you are heading to the right professionals for liver transplant or even combined liver & kidney transplant. This ensures proceedings move forward with minimal complications.


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